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Membership with PJC

Those that chose to become members of PJC are part of a warm, welcoming and inclusive community.  No matter the level of observance there is something for everyone of any age and any background.  Membership with us offers you a wealth of opportunities to connect with, grow and learn at your pace, while being supported by our clergy, staff and fellow congregants.   PJC offers a flexible participation structure to create multiple entry points that satisfy the myriad reasons for belonging to a synagogue.  

Ritual Life

Perrineville Jewish Center is a family friendly synagogue.  Our Friday evening and Saturday morning worship services are egalitarian and are conducted both in Hebrew and English.  The Hebrew has English translation and transliteration. In conjunction with the Rabbi, men and women act as service leaders. We especially encourage youngsters who are currently studying for their Bar / Bat Mitzvahs to participate as prayer leaders. Our Shabbat morning services largely follow conservative practices. 

On Friday evenings, our Rabbi teaches those in attendance about a variety of topics ranging from the Torah parsha of the week, Talmud and Mishna.  Saturday mornings include the full Birkot Hashachar, Pesukei Dezimara, Shacharit, Torah and Musaf services.  Adult education in Torah as well as discussions about a myriad of topics related to Judaism take place after services.  We h0ld weekly Onegs and Kiddushes that allowed congregants to socialize and build relationships and bonds with our clergy as well as other congregants.

Our Family services are geared towards our LEV Academy students and include additional explanation of prayers and protocols and more English readings.  Every month, students in various grades are called upon to help lead the service with the guidance of our clergy as they prepare for Bar/Bat Mitzvah.  Each grade also sponsors an Oneg/Kiddush.

High Holy Day services follow the Conservative ritual, with a considerable amount of repetition of prayers in English and opportunities for congregation involvement. We welcome families with children at all worship services, but have a special Family High Holy Day service for families with young children. 

Social Action

PJC's Mitzvah Mensches is an organization made up of PJC members of any age that will offer their time and services to express acts of human kindness in keeping with Jewish law, to empower oneself, make oneself stronger and more confident through action.

Social Club, Adult Education & More

PJC's social club is a place where congregants of all ages, backgrounds and levels of observance can come together to have fun, learn and support PJC and one another.  Fun holiday parties and programs, guest speakers, group discussions, day trips as well as a newly formed Travel Club are all available to our congregants at no additional cost.

Life Cycle Events

As a community, PJC comes together share in one another's simchas (joys) and sorrows.  From baby namings to consecration, Bnai Mitzvah to weddings and funerals, PJC offers a warm and accepting space to come together to celebrate life's wonderful moments and support one another in times of sadness and strife.  PJC is also in possession of a cemetery and onsite chapel that is available to all congregants in good standing.

Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784