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Shabbat Services

Shabbat Services at PJC is a time to take a break from the work week and recharge your spirit.  Traditional melodies paired with more modern, upbeat melodies allows worshiper for all ages and observance level to find comfort in our services.  Services are interactive, warm, engaging and a learning experience for all.  Our Siddur has Hebrew, Transliteration and meaningful translations and readings that all work to provide for a spiritual service.  Congregants are encouraged to raise their hand and ask questions about parts of the service, the meaning of prayers or Torah parshas.  

Who are the "Minaynaires"?

They are a group of congregants who attend services most every Shabbat.  The group ranges in age from 18 to 92 years. Together we have youth and zest along with wisdom and experience.  Our religious backgrounds go from reform to orthodox.
The “chatter” or specific topic discussions before and after services has had the support of our extended Jewish community family during these most difficult times.  Here are what some of the group has to say about being a part of PJC
Being a part of the PJC Community has truly been a positive contribution to my growth in all aspects of life.  As a young boy in Hebrew school, I felt at home at PJC.  Rabbi Schevelowitz and later Rabbi Jacobs, always made sure to welcome me with open arms.  When I started becoming more observant  a few years ago, the Rabbis, the Minyanaires, and the entire community were there by my side.  Before COVID, I attended Shabbat services weekly, and though I am currently at a yeshiva in Israel, I do my best to stay in touch.  My deepest hope is that people my age and the entire community will feel comfortable and motivated to become more involved in our shul.  All the best from Eretz Yisrael.      JAKE FRADKIN

The Swerdel family has been coming to the synagogue since the early 1950’s.  Mavis and I have memories of going to Hebrew School and accompanying our parents and grandparents to services.  Our hope is that PJC will continue to provide educational and religious experiences to the community for many years to come.    LINDA ROSEMAN

I am 81 and am married to a wonderful girl who was born and raised on the family farm in Perrineville, not far from the shul.  Her late parents, Norman & Sylvia Swerdel were one of the early founders & supporters of the shul.  I met Arlene here in Baltimore where she graduated from Towson University.  I was raised Orthodox,attended the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore and then the Baltimore Public Schools.  My late mother was secretary of an Orthodox shul for 35 years, and it was there that I became involved and learned about Judaism.   These factors have stayed with me, along with Arlene who has a similar background.  I attend morning services daily and Shabbat at the Chabad.  I retired from sales but currently work part time for a Jewish funeral home.
Since first attending PJC in 1996, while Arlene and I were dating, I have enjoyed the ‘hamisha’ atmosphere and the warm welcome I received.....always making me feel like a regular attendee. After my mother-in-law died in 2016 and now due to COVID-19, our NJ visits are drastically reduced.  I enjoy the comradery on Zoom.   Rabbi Schevelowitz has been a good friend to our family.  I feel the group is fortunate to have the support and direction of the Robbins family, as well as other active members. DAVE LEIBERMAN

I have been a member of PJC for many years.  I joined when I moved to Millstone Township with my partner (another female). Finding a Conservative synagogue that would be accepting of my relationship turned out to be harder than I expected. However, I found PJC, a warm and inclusive shul where I felt accepted.  At first I was a “fringe” member; stayed to myself and kept a low profile.  Then I read an email asking for support on Saturday services.  This started my Minyanaires journey. These fellow congregants welcomed me with such caring and enthusiasm, I was hooked.  We have a bond; look after each other; laugh with one another; and share and study our thoughts about G-d, Torah, being Jewish, and living an ethical life.  There is nothing better than this.  MICHELE RABINOWITZ

I joined PJC in May 2014.  I attended a Jewish Day School from grades 1 through 12.  While attending Columbia College by day, I studied at the College of the Jewish Theological Seminary by night.  I have Bachelors Degrees from both Columbia and JTS.  I find the following feature of the Shabbat and Holiday services at PJC attractive. Even though the Jewish educational backgrounds of our regular worshipers are varied, the services are structured to appeal to all participants.  JONATHAN SCHWARTZ

L’dor V’Dor — the responsibility of passing on spiritual knowledge and cultural traditions from generation to generation was my attraction to becoming a member of PJC.  Our egalitarian Shabbat services carries out this theme.  It is thrilling to share in our interactive service with multiple generations and then partake in discussions with a giving and caring Jewish community. During my 16 years at PJC, I have enjoyed the warmth, friendships and support of this extended family. ADRIENNE FEIN

I started attending services at PJC 20 years ago when I heard that there was a possibility that the shul was in danger of closing because they couldn’t get a minyan for Shabbat each week.  Now I consider the Minyanaires as part of my family. The warm and friendly caring has made this 92 year old committed to celebrating Shabbat with PJC a pleasure and I urge you to come and be a part of the group.

For me, the PJC virtual Shabbat services have encompassed camaraderie, spirituality, education, discussions and a chance to increase my connection with the Jewish people.  I would encourage all to give it a try.  DR. RON WARREN

I became a member of PJC in 1992 when my son began Hebrew school.  This was my first membership in a synagogue as my family was what I refer to as Holiday Jews ... get dressed up, have dinner together but there was no religious significance.  As an adult in Brooklyn, I did go to say Yizkor each Yom Kippur.  As a member of PJC, I was giving my kids something that I never had, a Jewish education and new friends in a school.  After my youngest completed Hebrew school, I did what so many people did and stopped attending services and social events and only showed up for High Holiday services.  In 2009, my father died and I felt a huge void that needed to be filled.  I felt drawn back to PJC and began to attend Friday night services where I met a new group of people among some familiar faces who made me feel I was a part of something warm and caring.  I still felt a bit uncomfortable but now I was more familiar with  the prayers and the melodies.  Since that reboot in 2009, I’ve been coming to services, High Holidays, volunteering on committees, attending social events because PJC is a community that I am proud to be a part of.  CINDY PERCHALUK

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784